For Bar Chord Lovers
| G | - | - | - |
| G |D7 | - | - |
|Am | D |D7 | - |
|D7 | G | - |A7 |
|D7 | G | - |

| G | - | C | - |
| C | - | G | - |
| D | - |D7 | - |
|D7 | - | G | - | 
        | G | - |
| C | - | G | - |
| D | C |D7 | G |
| G |D7 | C | G |

| G | - | - |E7 |
|Am | D | C | - |
| C | - |D7 | C |
|D7 | - | G | - | 

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මිල්ටන් මල්ලවාරච්චි|Milton Mallawarachchi
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Harsha Jayamanne
- 760Visits
sinhala song book

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Hi I am Harsha. It's hard work checking all songs individually on my own. No cut & Paste stuff here! All song chords were refined to get the true sound. Would appreciate your feedback.Leave comments, request songs or show me any mistakes if there are any. Thanks for using Sinhala Song Book.

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